Voronoi-Based Coverage Control of Pan/Tilt/Zoom Camera Networks

A challenge of pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) camera networks for efficient and flexible visual monitoring is automated active network reconfiguration in response to environmental stimuli. In this paper, given an event/activity distribution over a convex environment, we propose a new provably correct reactive coverage control algorithm for PTZ camera networks that continuously (re)configures camera orientations and zoom levels (i.e., angles of view) in order to locally maximize their total coverage quality. Our construction is based on careful modeling of visual sensing quality that is consistent with the physical nature of cameras, and we introduce a new notion of conic Voronoi diagrams, based on our sensing quality measures, to solve the camera network allocation problem: that is, to determine where each camera should focus in its field of view given all the other cameras’ configurations. Accordingly, we design simple greedy gradient algorithms for both continuous- and discrete-time first-order PTZ camera dynamics that asymptotically converge a locally optimal coverage configuration. Finally, we provide numerical and experimental evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed coverage algorithms.

A Dynamical System for Prioritizing and Coordinating Motivations

We develop a dynamical systems approach to prioritizing multiple tasks in the context of a mobile robot. We take navigation as our prototypical task, and use vector field planners derived from navigation functions to encode control policies that achieve each individual task. We associate a scalar quantity with each task, representing its current importance to the robot; this value evolves in time as the robot achieves tasks. In our framework, the robot uses as its control input a convex combination of the individual task vector fields. The weights of the convex combination evolve dynamically according to a decision model adapted from the bio-inspired literature on swarm decision making, using the task values as an input. We study a simple case with two navigation tasks and derive conditions under which a stable limit cycle can be proven to emerge. While owing along the limit cycle, the robot periodically navigates to each of the two goal locations; moreover, numerical study suggests that the basin of attraction is quite large so that significant perturbations are recovered with a reliable return to the desired task coordination pattern.

For more information: Kod*lab and http://www.paulreverdy.com/2018/05/11/motivation-dynamics-simulations/

Using the art practice of play to communicate legged robotics

The art practice of play uses spontaneity and surprise to communicate meaningful content and inspire critical thinking (1-3). We describe three engineering education outreach efforts that use play to communicate legged robotics research concepts. In the first workshop, Penn engineering students were motivated to learn how to program a legged robot using the narrative of a “dance competition,” with the winning dances to be showcased at the Philadelphia Science Festival. In the second workshop, Philadelphia School District high school students used a poseably programmable legged robot to tell a story by performing a series of behaviors in a set of their own design and documenting the story as a video artwork. Here, there were two narratives: One created by the workshop directors, communicating concepts about complex multi-legged behaviors and gaits, and the other created by the students using the robots to express their ideas. In the final workshop, middle school students created locomoting robots using motors, post-consumer materials, and basic art supplies. The concepts of energy and physical programming were demonstrated using working Trashbots and practiced during an introductory exercise making a vibrating motor from a spinning one. Participants then created a robot of their own design using iterative experimentation. We conclude from these three workshops that play can be used as a vehicle for scientific communication. (1) David Getsy, ed. From diversion to subversion: Games, play, and twentieth-century art, Vol. 16 (Penn State Press, 2011). (2) Nato Thompson and Gregory Scholette, eds. The interventionists: Users’ manual for the creative disruption of everyday life (MIT Press, 2004). (3) Diedra Krieger, ‘Plastic Fantastic,’ Gyre Exhibition, Anchorage Museum, Alaska, 2014.

For more information: Kod*lab.

Sensor-Based Legged Robot Homing Using Range-Only Target Localization

This paper demonstrates a fully sensor-based reactive homing behavior on a physical quadrupedal robot, using onboard sensors, in simple (convex obstacle-cluttered) unknown, GPS-denied environments. Its implementation is enabled by our empirical success in controlling the legged machine to approximate the (abstract) unicycle mechanics assumed by the navigation algorithm, and our proposed method of range-only target localization using particle filters.

For more information: Kod*lab

Towards Reactive Control of Transitional Legged Robot Maneuvers

We propose the idea of a discrete navigation problem – consisting of controlling the state of a discrete-time control system to reach a goal set while in the interim avoiding a set of obstacle states – to approximate a simplified class of transitional legged robotic tasks such as leaping which have no well established mathematical description that lends itself to synthesis. The control relation given in Theorem 1 is (assuming a task solution exists) necessary and sufficient to solve a discrete navigation problem in a minimum number of steps, and is well suited to computation when a legged system’s continuous-time within-stride controller anchors sufficiently simple stance mechanics. We demonstrate the efficacy of this control technique on a physical hopping robot affixed to a boom to reactively leap over an obstacle with a running start, controlling in continuous time during stance to exhibit a linear stance map.

Modular Hopping and Running via Parallel Composition

Though multi-functional robot hardware has been created, the complexity in its functionality has been constrained by a lack of algorithms that appropriately manage flexible and autonomous reconfiguration of interconnections to physical and behavioral components.

Raibert pioneered a paradigm for the synthesis of planar hopping using a composition of “parts”: controlled vertical hopping, controlled forward speed, and controlled body attitude. Such reduced degree-of-freedom compositions also seem to appear in running animals across several orders of magnitude of scale. Dynamical systems theory can offer a formal representation of such reductions in terms of “anchored templates,” respecting which Raibert’s empirical synthesis (and the animals’ empirical performance) can be posed as a parallel composition. However, the orthodox notion (attracting invariant submanifold with restriction dynamics conjugate to a template system) has only been formally synthesized in a few isolated instances in engineering (juggling, brachiating, hexapedal running robots, etc.) and formally observed in biology only in similarly limited contexts.

In order to bring Raibert’s 1980’s work into the 21st century and out of the laboratory, we design a new family of one-, two-, and four-legged robots with high power density, transparency, and control bandwidth. On these platforms, we demonstrate a growing collection of $\{$body, behavior$\}$ pairs that successfully embody dynamical running / hopping “gaits” specified using compositions of a few templates, with few parameters and a great deal of empirical robustness. We aim for and report substantial advances toward a formal notion of parallel composition—embodied behaviors that are correct by design even in the presence of nefarious coupling and perturbation—using a new analytical tool (hybrid dynamical averaging).

With ideas of verifiable behavioral modularity and a firm understanding of the hardware tools required to implement them, we are closer to identifying the components required to flexibly program the exchange of work between machines and their environment. Knowing how to combine and sequence stable basins to solve arbitrarily complex tasks will result in improved foundations for robotics as it goes from ad-hoc practice to science (with predictive theories) in the next few decades.

Joint Exploration of Local Metrics and Geometry in Sampling-based Planning

This thesis addresses how the local geometry of the workspace around a system state can be combined with local metrics describing system dynamics to improve the connectivity of the graph produced by a sampling-based planner over a fixed number of configurations. This development is achieved through generalization of the concept of the local free space to inner products other than the Euclidean inner product. This new structure allows for naturally combining the local free space construction with a locally applicable metric. The combination of the local free space with two specific metrics is explored in this work. The first metric is the quadratic cost-to-go function defined by a linear quadratic regulator, which captures the local behavior of the dynamical system. The second metric is the Mahalanobis distance for a belief state in a belief space planner. Belief space planners reason over distributions of states, called belief states, to include modeled uncertainty in the planning process. The Mahalanobis distances metric for a given belief state can be exploited to include notions of risk in local free space construction. Numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the improved connectivity of the graph generated by a sampling-based planner using these concepts.

Ground robotic measurement of aeolian processes

Models of aeolian processes rely on accurate measurements of the rates of sediment transport by wind, and careful evaluation of the environmental controls of these processes. Existing field approaches typically require intensive, event-based experiments involving dense arrays of instruments. These devices are often cumbersome and logistically difficult to set up and maintain, especially near steep or vegetated dune surfaces. Significant advances in instrumentation are needed to provide the datasets that are required to validate and improve mechanistic models of aeolian sediment transport. Recent advances in robotics show great promise for assisting and amplifying scientists’ efforts to increase the spatial and temporal resolution of many environmental measurements governing sediment transport. The emergence of cheap, agile, human-scale robotic platforms endowed with increasingly sophisticated sensor and motor suites opens up the prospect of deploying programmable, reactive sensor payloads across complex terrain in the service of aeolian science.

This paper surveys the need and assesses the opportunities and challenges for amassing novel, highly resolved spatiotemporal datasets for aeolian research using partially-automated ground mobility. We review the limitations of existing measurement approaches for aeolian processes, and discuss how they may be transformed by ground-based robotic platforms, using examples from our initial field experiments. We then review how the need to traverse challenging aeolian terrains and simultaneously make high-resolution measurements of critical variables requires enhanced robotic capability. Finally, we conclude with a look to the future, in which robotic platforms may operate with increasing autonomy in harsh conditions. Besides expanding the completeness of terrestrial datasets, bringing ground-based robots to the aeolian research community may lead to unexpected discoveries that generate new hypotheses to expand the science itself.

For more information: Kod*lab (http://kodlab.seas.upenn.edu/)

Empirical validation of a spined sagittal-plane quadrupedal model

We document empirically stable bounding using an actively powered spine on the Inu quadrupedal robot, and propose a reduced-order model to capture the dynamics associated with this additional, actuated spine degree of freedom. This model is sufficiently accurate as to roughly describe the robots mass center trajectory during a bounding limit cycle, thus making it a potential option for low dimensional representations of spine actuation in steady-state legged locomotion.